Subacute thyroiditis and rapidly developing goiter in a 16-year-old female: a case report
Issue | Vol. 7 Núm. 3 (2023): Ciencia y Salud, septiembre-diciembre |
DOI | |
Publicado | oct 14, 2023 |
Estadísticas |
Subacute thyroiditis (SAT) is an inflammatory disease of the thyroid gland with multiple etiologies and clinical features, often challenging to recognize. The classic presentation is the painful, granulomatous thyroiditis (DeQuervain’s) characterized by diffuse swelling of the gland, usually preceded by an upper respiratory tract infection. A painless variant, also referred to as autoimmune subacute thyroiditis, has been documented and is strongly linked to postpartum state, reported following ~10% of pregnancies. It can be differentiated from the former by the presence of anti-thyroid antibodies, which classifies it as an autoimmune thyroiditis. Any spontaneous development of painful swelling of the thyroid gland warrants a complete work up that includes thyroid hormones, thyroid autoimmune panel, acute phase reactant titers, and, if available, imaging that may lead to the diagnosis of an inflammatory or infectious cause of thyroiditis.
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© Science and Health, 2023
Marcos Estrada
Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center: New York, New York, United States USA
Meriam Avades
Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center: New York, New York, United States USA
María Parra
Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil Facultad de Ciencias Médicas: Guayaquil, Guayas, Ecuador
Patricia Altagracia
Leon Medical Centers: Miami, Florida, United States USA
Carmen Lazala
Consultora independiente/CompuServe