Formación docente y práctica pedagógica en la educación inclusiva: revisión sistemática
Issue | Vol. 8 Núm. 2 (2024): Ciencia y Educación |
DOI | |
Publicado | jun 20, 2024 |
Estadísticas |
Las demandas de atención que emergen en el marco de la diversidad funcional de los estudiantes son desatendidas y en la actualidad exigen fortalecer los procesos de formación docente. Esta revisión sistemática propone identificar los planteamientos actuales sobre formación docente y su incidencia en la práctica pedagógica desde la educación inclusiva. Se realiza un análisis cualitativo de publicaciones científicas entre el año 2019 al primer trimestre del 2024 mediante la metodología PRISMA, consultando Scopus, Science Direct y WoS. Tras la identificación, selección y cribado, se hallaron 43 artículos. Los resultados revelan que conceptos como didáctica, educación inclusiva y sensibilización del ser permiten que la formación docente impacte en la práctica pedagógica, teniendo como eje central la educación inclusiva. Este estudio sugiere investigar alrededor de la formación de maestros en ejercicio y se invita a explorar nuevas estrategias que promuevan una educación inclusiva en las aulas.
Almalky, H. A. & Alwahbi, A. A. (2023). Teachers’ perceptions of their experience with inclusive education practices in Saudi Arabia. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 140.
Amiama-Espaillat, C. (2020). Desafíos de la Educación Especial en el desarrollo de escuelas inclusivas. Ciencia y Educación, 4(3), 133–143.
Andrews, D., Walton, E. & Osman, R. (2019). Constraints to the implementation of inclusive teaching: a cultural historical activity theory approach. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 25(13), 1508–1523.
Baek, C., Aguilar, S. J. & Warschauer, M. (2024). Exploring teachers’ self-efficacy and willingness to provide accommodations in teaching students with autism: An intervention study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 140.
Carrington, S., Park, E., McKay, L., Saggers, B., Harper-Hill, K. & Somerwil, T. (2024). Evidence of transformative leadership for inclusive practice. Teaching and Teacher Education, 141.
Castillo Ibáñez, N. M. (2019). Educación Inclusiva: Contradicciones, debates y resistencias Esta obra está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.
Chow, W. S. E. (2023). Examining factors influencing teachers’ intentions in implementing inclusive practices in Hong Kong classrooms. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs.
Cooc, N. (2019). Teaching students with special needs: International trends in school capacity and the need for teacher professional development.
Corral-Granados, A., Smeplass, E., Cecilia Rapp, A. & Eide Isaksen, G. (2023). A study on Children perceptions of social exclusion and the structural drivers of discrimination in Norwegian elementary schools. Children and Youth Services Review, 154.
Correa-Gurtubay, P. & Osses-Sánchez, N. A. (2023). Cooperative Learning: Reflections for Implementation in Inclusive Classrooms. Revista Electronica Educare, 27(1).
Delgado, K. E., Barrionuevo, L. A. & Essomba, M. A. (2020). Inclusive education a principle of change at the initial level. Case study.
Echeita Sarrionandia, G., Duk, C., Calderón Almendros, & Skliar, C. (2018). Calidad de la educación en Iberoamérica. Dykinson.
Gheyssens, E., Consuegra, E., Engels, N. & Struyven, K. (2021). Creating inclusive classrooms in primary and secondary schools: From noticing to differentiated practices. Teaching and Teacher Education, 100.
Giuliano, F. (2015). (Re)pensando la educación con Judith Butler. Una cita necesaria entre filosofía y educación. Propuesta Educativa, 44, 65-78.
Gordon, D., Bourke, T., Mills, R. & Blundell, C. N. (2024). Understanding how education reform influences pre-service teachers’ teacher self-efficacy. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 7, 100338.
Gülsün, İ., Malinen, O. P., Yada, A. & Savolainen, H. (2023). Exploring the role of teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education, their self-efficacy, and collective efficacy in behaviour management in teacher behaviour. Teaching and Teacher Education, 132.
Hansen, N., Bialka, C. S., Wong, S. J. & Gamerman, T. (2024). “Learning on the job”: An exploration of teacher educators’ training and comfort with anti-ableist disability discussion. Teaching and Teacher Education, 140.
Härkki, T., Vartiainen, H., Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, P. & Hakkarainen, K. (2021). Co-teaching in non-linear projects: A contextualised model of co-teaching to support educational change. Teaching and Teacher Education, 97.
Hernández Izquierdo, L. & Marchesi, Á. (2021). Actitudes de los maestros ante la inclusión educativa en Colombia, Guatemala y España. Ciencia y Educación, 5(1), 7–24.
Keppens, K., Consuegra, E., Goossens, M., De Maeyer, S. & Vanderlinde, R. (2019). Measuring pre-service teachers’ professional vision of inclusive classrooms: A video-based comparative judgement instrument. Teaching and Teacher Education, 78, 1–14.
Keppens, K., Consuegra, E., De Maeyer, S. & Vanderlinde, R. (2021). Teacher beliefs, self-efficacy and professional vision: disentangling their relationship in the context of inclusive teaching. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 53(3), 314–332.
Kimhi, Y., Sokol, O. & Lavian, R. H. (2022). Professional competence of teachers: Improving reading comprehension in classes for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Teaching and Teacher Education, 118.
Larios, R. J. & Zetlin, A. (2023). Challenges to preparing teachers to instruct all students in inclusive classrooms. Teaching and Teacher Education, 121.
Leibur, T., Saks, K. & Chounta, I. A. (2023). Towards a conceptualized model of supporting teachers’ application process for acquiring professional qualifications. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 4.
Leung, E., Adams-Whittaker, J., Sha, K. & Flanagan, T. (2024). Evaluating Canadian pre-service educator programs in response to changing diversity and inclusion needs. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 6.
Mabasa-Manganyi, R. B. (2023). Factors influencing foundation phase rural teachers’ understanding and practices in selecting inclusive teaching strategies. South African Journal of Childhood Education, 13(1).
Margevica-Grinberga, I. & Šūmane, I. (2021). The advantages and disadvantages of inclusive education from the perspective of future teachers. society. integration. education. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 432–441.
MEN (2017). Documento de orientaciones técnicas, administrativas y pedagógicas para la atención educativa a estudiantes con discapacidad en el marco de la educación inclusiva.
Miesera, S. & Sokal, L. (2021). A Cross-National Study of the Effects of Education on Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes, Intentions, Concerns, and Self-Efficacy Regarding Inclusive Education. Exceptionality Education International, 31(1), 77–96.
Moreno Angarita, M., Pabón Suárez, I. C., Fonseca Casado, C. & Herrera Rodríguez, T. (2018). LBR Nota Educacion Inclusiva Lineamientos 2016 2020.
Morettini, B. (2021). Forms of resistance: Insights into beginning teacher development. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 2.
Muñoz-Martínez, Y., Gárate-Vergara, F. & Marambio-Carrasco, C. (2021). Training and support for inclusive practices: Transformation from cooperation in teaching and learning. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(5), 1–18.
Muñoz-Martínez, Y., Monge-López, C. & Torrego Seijo, J. C. (2020). Teacher education in cooperative learning and its influence on inclusive education. Improving Schools, 23(3), 277–290.
Naciones Unidas (2006). Convención sobre los Derechos humanos de las personas con discapacidad.
Nel, M., Hay, J., Bekker, T., Beyers, C., Pylman, N., Alexander, G. & Matoti, S. (2023). Exploring the perceptions of lecturers and final year students about the infusion of inclusion in initial teacher education programmes in South Africa. Frontiers in Education, 8.
Nketsia, W., Opoku, M. P., Saloviita, T. & Tracey, D. (2020). Teacher Educators’ and Teacher Trainees’ Perspective on Teacher Training for Sustainable Development. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 22(1), 49–65.
Nketsia, W., Opoku, M. P. & Torgbenu, E. L. (2019). Teacher Trainees’ Experiences of Inclusive Practices During Teaching Practice. Innovations, Technologies and Research in Education, 2019, 268–288.
Nozi, G. S. & Vitaliano, C. R. (2022). Self-efficacy beliefs in teachers regarding teacher’s knowledge for inclusive education. Revista Portuguesa de Educacao, 35(2), 356–377.
Oliveira, S. G. da S. & Dias, V. B. (2022). Formação de pedagogos para o contexto inclusivo: um estudo de revisão. Revista Educação Especial.
ONU (2015). Agenda 2030 y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible Una oportunidad para América Latina y el Caribe.
Page, M. J., McKenzie, J. E., Bossuyt, P. M., Boutron, I., Hoffmann, T. C., Mulrow, C. D., Shamseer, L., Tetzlaff, J. M., Akl, E. A., Brennan, S. E., Chou, R., Glanville, J., Grimshaw, J. M., Hróbjartsson, A., Lalu, M. M., Li, T., Loder, E. W., Mayo-Wilson, E., McDonald, S., … Moher, D. (2021). The PRISMA 2020 statement: An updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. In The BMJ, 372. BMJ Publishing Group.
Paz-Maldonado, E. (2023). La inclusión educativa en Honduras: más allá de un simple discurso. Ciencia y Educación, 7(1), 57–64.
Pov, S., Kawai, N. & Nov, S. (2024). Preparing pre-service teachers to work in Cambodian inclusive classrooms: Knowledge, experience, and attitudes toward inclusion. Teaching and Teacher Education, 137.
Quintero Ayala, L. E. (2020). Educación Inclusiva: Tendencias y Perspectivas.
Román Meléndez, G., Pérez Navio, E. & Medina Rivilla, A. (2021). Formación del docente inclusivo y la influencia en la transformación de su práctica pedagógica: revisión teórica. Infancias Imágenes, 20(1), 93–108.
Rusconi, L. & Squillaci, M. (2023). Effects of a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Training Course on the Development Teachers’ Competences: A Systematic Review. In Education Sciences, 13(5). MDPI.
Rutherford, G. (2023). Teacher education: doing justice to UNCRPD Article 24? International Journal of Inclusive Education, 27(10), 1133–1147.
Rytivaara, A., Pulkkinen, J. & de Bruin, C. L. (2019). Committing, engaging and negotiating: Teachers’ stories about creating shared spaces for co-teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 83, 225–235.
Sannen, J., De Maeyer, S., Struyf, E., De Schauwer, E. & Petry, K. (2021). Connecting teacher collaboration to inclusive practices using a social network approach. Teaching and Teacher Education, 97.
Santos-González, C. (2022). Atención a la diversidad e inclusión educativa: formación inicial del profesorado y autopercepción de competencias. Ciencia y Educación, 6(3), 7–20.
Schwab, S., Alnahdi, G., Goldan, J. & Elhadi, A. (2020). Assessing perceptions of resources and inclusive teaching practices: A cross-country study between German and Saudi students in inclusive schools. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 65.
Senadza, B., Ayerakwa, M. A., Mill, A. A. & Oppong, C. A. (2019). Inclusive education: Learners with disabilities and special education needs in Ghana.
Sharma, U., Sokal, L., Wang, M. & Loreman, T. (2021). Measuring the use of inclusive practices among pre-service educators: A multi-national study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 107.
Simón, C., Barrios, Á., Gutiérrez, H. & Muñoz, Y. (2019). Equity, inclusive education and education for social justice. Do all paths lead to the same goal? Revista Internacional de Educacion Para La Justicia Social, 8(2), 17–32.
Soares, V. D. & Soares, N. A. (2021). Initial teacher education X inclusive education: Challenges and possibilities. Investigacoes Em Ensino de Ciencias, 26(2), 113–126.
Takala, M., Nordmark, M. & Allard, K. (2019). A Comparison of University Curriculum in Special Teacher Education in Finland and Sweden. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education, 3(2), 20–36.
Tello, J. (2022). Actitudes docentes frente al estudiantado con discapacidad: una revisión de literatura. Ciencia y Educación, 6(1), 83–94.
UNESCO (1994). Declaración de Salamanca: Marco de Acción para las Necesidades Educativas Especiales. Conferencia Mundial sobre Necesidades Educativas Especiales: Acceso y Calidad.
UNESCO (2000). Educación para Todos: cumplir nuestros compromisos comunes.
UNESCO (2019). Educación Inclusiva e Interseccional a lo largo de la vida, para que nadie quede atrás.
UNESCO (2020a). Enseñanza inclusiva: Preparar a todos los docentes para enseñar a todos los alumnos. Documento de Política 43.
UNESCO (2020b). Informe de Seguimiento de la Educación en el Mundo 2020: Inclusión y educación: Todos y todas sin excepción. UNESCO.
UNESCO (2021). Hacía la inclusión en la educación.
UNESCO (2022). Transformar la educación para el futuro.
UNESCO (2023a). Resumen del informe de seguimiento de la educación en el mundo, 2023: Tecnología en la educación: ¿Una herramienta en los términos de quién? GEM Report UNESCO.
UNESCO (2023b). Una mirada sobre la educación inclusiva.
UNICEF (2014). Conceptualización de la educación inclusiva y su contextualización dentro de la misión de UNICEF. Cuadernillo 1. UNICEF.
Urton, K., Wilbert, J., Krull, J. & Hennemann, T. (2023). Factors explaining teachers’ intention to implement inclusive practices in the classroom: Indications based on the theory of planned behaviour. Teaching and Teacher Education, 132.
van Steen, T. & Wilson, C. (2020). Individual and cultural factors in teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion: A meta-analysis. Teaching and Teacher Education, 95. Elsevier Ltd.
Vantieghem, W., Roose, I., Gheyssens, E., Griful-Freixenet, J., Keppens, K., Vanderlinde, R., Struyven, K. & Van Avermaet, P. (2020). Professional vision of inclusive classrooms: A validation of teachers’ reasoning on differentiated instruction and teacher-student interactions. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 67.
Wächter, T., Gorges, J., Apresjan, S. & Lütje-Klose, B. (2024). How can inclusion succeed for all? Children’s well-being in inclusive schools and the role of teachers’ inclusion-related attitudes and self-efficacy. Teaching and Teacher Education, 139.
Wing Sze, E. C. (2023). Examining factors influencing teachers’ intentions in implementing inclusive practices in Hong Kong classrooms. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs.
Woodcock, S., Hitches, E. & Jones, G. (2019). It’s not you, it’s me: Teachers’ self-efficacy and attributional beliefs towards students with specific learning difficulties. International Journal of Educational Research, 97, 107–118.
Woodcock, S., Sharma, U., Subban, P. & Hitches, E. (2022). Teacher self-efficacy and inclusive education practices: Rethinking teachers’ engagement with inclusive practices. Teaching and Teacher Education, 117.
Wray, E., Sharma, U. & Subban, P. (2022). Factors influencing teacher self-efficacy for inclusive education: A systematic literature review. Teaching and Teacher Education, 117.
Yada, A., Björn, P. M., Savolainen, P., Kyttälä, M., Aro, M. & Savolainen, H. (2021). Pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy in implementing inclusive practices and resilience in Finland. Teaching and Teacher Education, 105.
Amiama-Espaillat, C. (2020). Desafíos de la Educación Especial en el desarrollo de escuelas inclusivas. Ciencia y Educación, 4(3), 133–143.
Andrews, D., Walton, E. & Osman, R. (2019). Constraints to the implementation of inclusive teaching: a cultural historical activity theory approach. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 25(13), 1508–1523.
Baek, C., Aguilar, S. J. & Warschauer, M. (2024). Exploring teachers’ self-efficacy and willingness to provide accommodations in teaching students with autism: An intervention study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 140.
Carrington, S., Park, E., McKay, L., Saggers, B., Harper-Hill, K. & Somerwil, T. (2024). Evidence of transformative leadership for inclusive practice. Teaching and Teacher Education, 141.
Castillo Ibáñez, N. M. (2019). Educación Inclusiva: Contradicciones, debates y resistencias Esta obra está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.
Chow, W. S. E. (2023). Examining factors influencing teachers’ intentions in implementing inclusive practices in Hong Kong classrooms. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs.
Cooc, N. (2019). Teaching students with special needs: International trends in school capacity and the need for teacher professional development.
Corral-Granados, A., Smeplass, E., Cecilia Rapp, A. & Eide Isaksen, G. (2023). A study on Children perceptions of social exclusion and the structural drivers of discrimination in Norwegian elementary schools. Children and Youth Services Review, 154.
Correa-Gurtubay, P. & Osses-Sánchez, N. A. (2023). Cooperative Learning: Reflections for Implementation in Inclusive Classrooms. Revista Electronica Educare, 27(1).
Delgado, K. E., Barrionuevo, L. A. & Essomba, M. A. (2020). Inclusive education a principle of change at the initial level. Case study.
Echeita Sarrionandia, G., Duk, C., Calderón Almendros, & Skliar, C. (2018). Calidad de la educación en Iberoamérica. Dykinson.
Gheyssens, E., Consuegra, E., Engels, N. & Struyven, K. (2021). Creating inclusive classrooms in primary and secondary schools: From noticing to differentiated practices. Teaching and Teacher Education, 100.
Giuliano, F. (2015). (Re)pensando la educación con Judith Butler. Una cita necesaria entre filosofía y educación. Propuesta Educativa, 44, 65-78.
Gordon, D., Bourke, T., Mills, R. & Blundell, C. N. (2024). Understanding how education reform influences pre-service teachers’ teacher self-efficacy. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 7, 100338.
Gülsün, İ., Malinen, O. P., Yada, A. & Savolainen, H. (2023). Exploring the role of teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education, their self-efficacy, and collective efficacy in behaviour management in teacher behaviour. Teaching and Teacher Education, 132.
Hansen, N., Bialka, C. S., Wong, S. J. & Gamerman, T. (2024). “Learning on the job”: An exploration of teacher educators’ training and comfort with anti-ableist disability discussion. Teaching and Teacher Education, 140.
Härkki, T., Vartiainen, H., Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, P. & Hakkarainen, K. (2021). Co-teaching in non-linear projects: A contextualised model of co-teaching to support educational change. Teaching and Teacher Education, 97.
Hernández Izquierdo, L. & Marchesi, Á. (2021). Actitudes de los maestros ante la inclusión educativa en Colombia, Guatemala y España. Ciencia y Educación, 5(1), 7–24.
Keppens, K., Consuegra, E., Goossens, M., De Maeyer, S. & Vanderlinde, R. (2019). Measuring pre-service teachers’ professional vision of inclusive classrooms: A video-based comparative judgement instrument. Teaching and Teacher Education, 78, 1–14.
Keppens, K., Consuegra, E., De Maeyer, S. & Vanderlinde, R. (2021). Teacher beliefs, self-efficacy and professional vision: disentangling their relationship in the context of inclusive teaching. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 53(3), 314–332.
Kimhi, Y., Sokol, O. & Lavian, R. H. (2022). Professional competence of teachers: Improving reading comprehension in classes for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Teaching and Teacher Education, 118.
Larios, R. J. & Zetlin, A. (2023). Challenges to preparing teachers to instruct all students in inclusive classrooms. Teaching and Teacher Education, 121.
Leibur, T., Saks, K. & Chounta, I. A. (2023). Towards a conceptualized model of supporting teachers’ application process for acquiring professional qualifications. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 4.
Leung, E., Adams-Whittaker, J., Sha, K. & Flanagan, T. (2024). Evaluating Canadian pre-service educator programs in response to changing diversity and inclusion needs. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 6.
Mabasa-Manganyi, R. B. (2023). Factors influencing foundation phase rural teachers’ understanding and practices in selecting inclusive teaching strategies. South African Journal of Childhood Education, 13(1).
Margevica-Grinberga, I. & Šūmane, I. (2021). The advantages and disadvantages of inclusive education from the perspective of future teachers. society. integration. education. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 432–441.
MEN (2017). Documento de orientaciones técnicas, administrativas y pedagógicas para la atención educativa a estudiantes con discapacidad en el marco de la educación inclusiva.
Miesera, S. & Sokal, L. (2021). A Cross-National Study of the Effects of Education on Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes, Intentions, Concerns, and Self-Efficacy Regarding Inclusive Education. Exceptionality Education International, 31(1), 77–96.
Moreno Angarita, M., Pabón Suárez, I. C., Fonseca Casado, C. & Herrera Rodríguez, T. (2018). LBR Nota Educacion Inclusiva Lineamientos 2016 2020.
Morettini, B. (2021). Forms of resistance: Insights into beginning teacher development. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 2.
Muñoz-Martínez, Y., Gárate-Vergara, F. & Marambio-Carrasco, C. (2021). Training and support for inclusive practices: Transformation from cooperation in teaching and learning. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(5), 1–18.
Muñoz-Martínez, Y., Monge-López, C. & Torrego Seijo, J. C. (2020). Teacher education in cooperative learning and its influence on inclusive education. Improving Schools, 23(3), 277–290.
Naciones Unidas (2006). Convención sobre los Derechos humanos de las personas con discapacidad.
Nel, M., Hay, J., Bekker, T., Beyers, C., Pylman, N., Alexander, G. & Matoti, S. (2023). Exploring the perceptions of lecturers and final year students about the infusion of inclusion in initial teacher education programmes in South Africa. Frontiers in Education, 8.
Nketsia, W., Opoku, M. P., Saloviita, T. & Tracey, D. (2020). Teacher Educators’ and Teacher Trainees’ Perspective on Teacher Training for Sustainable Development. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 22(1), 49–65.
Nketsia, W., Opoku, M. P. & Torgbenu, E. L. (2019). Teacher Trainees’ Experiences of Inclusive Practices During Teaching Practice. Innovations, Technologies and Research in Education, 2019, 268–288.
Nozi, G. S. & Vitaliano, C. R. (2022). Self-efficacy beliefs in teachers regarding teacher’s knowledge for inclusive education. Revista Portuguesa de Educacao, 35(2), 356–377.
Oliveira, S. G. da S. & Dias, V. B. (2022). Formação de pedagogos para o contexto inclusivo: um estudo de revisão. Revista Educação Especial.
ONU (2015). Agenda 2030 y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible Una oportunidad para América Latina y el Caribe.
Page, M. J., McKenzie, J. E., Bossuyt, P. M., Boutron, I., Hoffmann, T. C., Mulrow, C. D., Shamseer, L., Tetzlaff, J. M., Akl, E. A., Brennan, S. E., Chou, R., Glanville, J., Grimshaw, J. M., Hróbjartsson, A., Lalu, M. M., Li, T., Loder, E. W., Mayo-Wilson, E., McDonald, S., … Moher, D. (2021). The PRISMA 2020 statement: An updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. In The BMJ, 372. BMJ Publishing Group.
Paz-Maldonado, E. (2023). La inclusión educativa en Honduras: más allá de un simple discurso. Ciencia y Educación, 7(1), 57–64.
Pov, S., Kawai, N. & Nov, S. (2024). Preparing pre-service teachers to work in Cambodian inclusive classrooms: Knowledge, experience, and attitudes toward inclusion. Teaching and Teacher Education, 137.
Quintero Ayala, L. E. (2020). Educación Inclusiva: Tendencias y Perspectivas.
Román Meléndez, G., Pérez Navio, E. & Medina Rivilla, A. (2021). Formación del docente inclusivo y la influencia en la transformación de su práctica pedagógica: revisión teórica. Infancias Imágenes, 20(1), 93–108.
Rusconi, L. & Squillaci, M. (2023). Effects of a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Training Course on the Development Teachers’ Competences: A Systematic Review. In Education Sciences, 13(5). MDPI.
Rutherford, G. (2023). Teacher education: doing justice to UNCRPD Article 24? International Journal of Inclusive Education, 27(10), 1133–1147.
Rytivaara, A., Pulkkinen, J. & de Bruin, C. L. (2019). Committing, engaging and negotiating: Teachers’ stories about creating shared spaces for co-teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 83, 225–235.
Sannen, J., De Maeyer, S., Struyf, E., De Schauwer, E. & Petry, K. (2021). Connecting teacher collaboration to inclusive practices using a social network approach. Teaching and Teacher Education, 97.
Santos-González, C. (2022). Atención a la diversidad e inclusión educativa: formación inicial del profesorado y autopercepción de competencias. Ciencia y Educación, 6(3), 7–20.
Schwab, S., Alnahdi, G., Goldan, J. & Elhadi, A. (2020). Assessing perceptions of resources and inclusive teaching practices: A cross-country study between German and Saudi students in inclusive schools. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 65.
Senadza, B., Ayerakwa, M. A., Mill, A. A. & Oppong, C. A. (2019). Inclusive education: Learners with disabilities and special education needs in Ghana.
Sharma, U., Sokal, L., Wang, M. & Loreman, T. (2021). Measuring the use of inclusive practices among pre-service educators: A multi-national study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 107.
Simón, C., Barrios, Á., Gutiérrez, H. & Muñoz, Y. (2019). Equity, inclusive education and education for social justice. Do all paths lead to the same goal? Revista Internacional de Educacion Para La Justicia Social, 8(2), 17–32.
Soares, V. D. & Soares, N. A. (2021). Initial teacher education X inclusive education: Challenges and possibilities. Investigacoes Em Ensino de Ciencias, 26(2), 113–126.
Takala, M., Nordmark, M. & Allard, K. (2019). A Comparison of University Curriculum in Special Teacher Education in Finland and Sweden. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education, 3(2), 20–36.
Tello, J. (2022). Actitudes docentes frente al estudiantado con discapacidad: una revisión de literatura. Ciencia y Educación, 6(1), 83–94.
UNESCO (1994). Declaración de Salamanca: Marco de Acción para las Necesidades Educativas Especiales. Conferencia Mundial sobre Necesidades Educativas Especiales: Acceso y Calidad.
UNESCO (2000). Educación para Todos: cumplir nuestros compromisos comunes.
UNESCO (2019). Educación Inclusiva e Interseccional a lo largo de la vida, para que nadie quede atrás.
UNESCO (2020a). Enseñanza inclusiva: Preparar a todos los docentes para enseñar a todos los alumnos. Documento de Política 43.
UNESCO (2020b). Informe de Seguimiento de la Educación en el Mundo 2020: Inclusión y educación: Todos y todas sin excepción. UNESCO.
UNESCO (2021). Hacía la inclusión en la educación.
UNESCO (2022). Transformar la educación para el futuro.
UNESCO (2023a). Resumen del informe de seguimiento de la educación en el mundo, 2023: Tecnología en la educación: ¿Una herramienta en los términos de quién? GEM Report UNESCO.
UNESCO (2023b). Una mirada sobre la educación inclusiva.
UNICEF (2014). Conceptualización de la educación inclusiva y su contextualización dentro de la misión de UNICEF. Cuadernillo 1. UNICEF.
Urton, K., Wilbert, J., Krull, J. & Hennemann, T. (2023). Factors explaining teachers’ intention to implement inclusive practices in the classroom: Indications based on the theory of planned behaviour. Teaching and Teacher Education, 132.
van Steen, T. & Wilson, C. (2020). Individual and cultural factors in teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion: A meta-analysis. Teaching and Teacher Education, 95. Elsevier Ltd.
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© Ciencia y Educación, 2024
Magdaly Gordillo
Universidad Antonio Nariño, Colombia.
Víctor Prado
Universidad Antonio Nariño, Colombia.
Cómo citar
Gordillo, M., & Prado, V. (2024). Formación docente y práctica pedagógica en la educación inclusiva: revisión sistemática. Ciencia Y Educación, 8(2), 75–93.