Problemas en la etiología del autismo : un enfoque monista
Issue | Vol. 16 Núm. 4 (1991): Ciencia y Sociedad |
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Publicado | dic 1, 1991 |
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Los enfoques modernos del autismo giran en torno al estudio de la conjugación de variables biológicas y ambientales, planteando un reto a las ciencias biológicas y conductuales. Se presentan el modelo de la especifidad, el biológico y el neuroanatómico; sus logros y contradicciones; así como una crítica al modelo psicoanalítico.
American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. (3rd. ed.) Washington, D. C. 1980.
American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. (3rd. ed., rev.) Washington, D. C. 1987.
Gilberg, C., Gilberg, J. Infantile Autism a Total Population Sample of Reduced Optimality in the Pre, Peri, Neonatal Period. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 13, 1983: 19-32.
Farber, J. M. The Autistic Child. Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality. 11, 1986: 85-95.
Smalley, S., Asarnow, R., Spence, A. Autism and Genetics. A Decade of Research. Archives of General Psychiatry. 45, 1988: 953-976.
DeMyer, W., Hingten, J. N., Jackson, R. K. Infantile Autism Reviewed: A Decade of Research. Schizophrenia-Bulletin. 7,1981: 388-451.
Prior, M. Developing Concepts of Childhood Autism: The Influence of Experimental Cognitive Research. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 52, 1984: 4-16.
Bettleheim, B. The Empty Fortress. The Free Press, New York. 1967.
Baron-Cohen, s., Leslie, A., Frith, U. Does The autstic Child Have A "Theory of The Mind". Cognition. 21,1985: 37-46.
Rumsey, J., Andreasen, N., Rapoport, J. Thought, Languaje, Comunication and Affective Flattening in Autistic Adults. Archives of General psychiatry. 43,1986: 771-777.
Waldo, M., Cohén, D., Caparulo, E., Young, J. EEG Profiles of Neuropsychiatri- cally Disturbed Children. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry. 17. 1978: 656-670.
Courchesne, R., Kilman, B., Galambos, R. "Autism: Processing of Novel Information Assessed by Event Related Brain Potentials." Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 59, 1984, 238-248.
Mariner, R., Jackson, A., Levitas, A., Hagerman, R. "Autism, Mental Retardation and Chromosomal Abnormalities." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 16, 1986: 425-440.
Chess, S. "Followup Report on Autism in Congenital Rubeolla." Journal of Autism and Childhood Schizofrenia. 7, 1977: 68-71.
DeMyer, M. The Nature of Neuropsychoiogical Disability in Autistic Children. Journal of Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia. 5. (2), 1975: 109-128.
Lord, C., Schopler, E. Neurobiological Issues in Autism. Plenum Press: New York. 1987.
Schopler, E., Mesibov, G. Neurobiological Issues in Autism. New York: Plenum Press. 1987.
Ciarnello, B.F., Vandenberg, S., Andrés, T. "Intrinsic and Extrinsic Determinants of Neural Develpment: Relation to Infantile Autism." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 12, 1982: 115-145.
Launay, J., Bureztejn, C., Ferrari, P., Dreux, C. "Catecholamines Metabolism in Infantile Autism: A Controlled Study of 22 Autistic Children." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 17, 1987: 333-347.
Gilberg, C., Svennerholm, L. "CSF Monoamines in Autistic Syndromes and Other Pervasive Developmental Disorders in Early Childhood." Brittish Journal of Psychiatry. 151, 1987: 89-94.
Anderson, L.T., Campbell, M., Grega, D. "Haloperidol in the Treatment of Infantile Autism: Effects on Learning and Behavioral Symptoms." American Journal of Psychiatry. 141, 1984: 1195-1201.
Barthelemy, C., Bruneau, N., Jouve, J., Martineau, J. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 19, 1989: 241-254.
Kuperman, S., Beeghly, J., Burns, T., Tsai, L. "Serotonin Relationships of Autistic Probands and Their First-Degree Relatives." Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychology. 24, 1985: 186-190.
Chris Heh, C.W., Smith, R.., Wu, J., et al. "Positrón Emission Tomography of the Cerebellum in Autism." Journal of Psychiatry. 142 (2), 1989: 242-245.
Sandyk, R. "Naloxone Abolishes self-Injuring in a Mental Retared Child". Aunáis of Neurology. 17,1985: 520.
Weizman, R., Weizman, A., Tyano, S., Szkely, G., Weissman, B., Weber, E. Autism, A Reference llook. (Ellen Weber Bell, ed.) Longman, New York. 1986.
Watson, S.J., Akil. H., Berger, P.A. Barchas, J.D. "Some Observations on the Opiate Peptides and Shizophrenia". Archives of General Psychiatry. 36 G.P 1979: 35-41.
Gaffney, g., Tsai, L., Kuperman, s., et al. "Cerebellar Structure in autism". ADJC, 141, 1987: 1330-1332.
Bauman, M.L., Kemper, T.L. "Histoanatomic observations of the Brain in Infantile Autism". Neurology. 35, 1984: 866-874.
Delong, G.R. A Neuropsychologic Interpretation of Infantile Autism. New York: Plenum press. 1978.
I loffman, W., Prior, M. "Neuropsychological Dimensions of Autism in children": A Test of the Hemispheric Dysfunction Hypothesis. Journal of clinical Neuropsycho- logy. 4, 1982: 27-42.
DeMyer, M., Hendrie, H., Gilmor, R., DeMyer, W. Magnetic Resonance Imaging in psychiatry. Psychiatric Annals. 15 (4), 1985: 262-267.
Courchesne, E., Hesselink, J., Jcrnigan, T.L. et al. "Abnormal Neuroanatomy in Nonretarded persons with Autism. Unusual Findings with Magnetic Resonance Imaging". Archives of Neurology. 44, 1987: 335-340.
Murakami, J.W., Courchesne, E., Press, A., et al. "Reduced cerebellar hemisphere size and its Relation to vermal hypoplasia in autism". Archives of Neurology. 46, 1989:689-694.
Lamondella, J. "The Limbic System in Human Comunication". Studies of Neuro- linguistics. New York: Academy Press. (1977).
Damasio , A.R., Maurer, R.G. A Neurological Model of Autism. (1978).
Ornitz, E. Neuropliysiologic Studies. A Keappraisal of Concepts and Treatments. New York: Plenum Press. 1979.
MacCulloch, M., Williams, C. "The Nature of Infantile Autism." Acta Psichiatrica Scandinavica. 47, 1971: 295-314.
Simón, N. "Echolalia Speech in Childhood Autism." Archives of General Psychiatry. 32, 1975: 1439-1446.
Rosenblum, A., Arich, J., Krug, S. "Auditory Brainstem Evoked Responses in Autistic Children." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 10, 1980: 215-226.
American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. (3rd. ed., rev.) Washington, D. C. 1987.
Gilberg, C., Gilberg, J. Infantile Autism a Total Population Sample of Reduced Optimality in the Pre, Peri, Neonatal Period. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 13, 1983: 19-32.
Farber, J. M. The Autistic Child. Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality. 11, 1986: 85-95.
Smalley, S., Asarnow, R., Spence, A. Autism and Genetics. A Decade of Research. Archives of General Psychiatry. 45, 1988: 953-976.
DeMyer, W., Hingten, J. N., Jackson, R. K. Infantile Autism Reviewed: A Decade of Research. Schizophrenia-Bulletin. 7,1981: 388-451.
Prior, M. Developing Concepts of Childhood Autism: The Influence of Experimental Cognitive Research. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 52, 1984: 4-16.
Bettleheim, B. The Empty Fortress. The Free Press, New York. 1967.
Baron-Cohen, s., Leslie, A., Frith, U. Does The autstic Child Have A "Theory of The Mind". Cognition. 21,1985: 37-46.
Rumsey, J., Andreasen, N., Rapoport, J. Thought, Languaje, Comunication and Affective Flattening in Autistic Adults. Archives of General psychiatry. 43,1986: 771-777.
Waldo, M., Cohén, D., Caparulo, E., Young, J. EEG Profiles of Neuropsychiatri- cally Disturbed Children. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry. 17. 1978: 656-670.
Courchesne, R., Kilman, B., Galambos, R. "Autism: Processing of Novel Information Assessed by Event Related Brain Potentials." Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 59, 1984, 238-248.
Mariner, R., Jackson, A., Levitas, A., Hagerman, R. "Autism, Mental Retardation and Chromosomal Abnormalities." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 16, 1986: 425-440.
Chess, S. "Followup Report on Autism in Congenital Rubeolla." Journal of Autism and Childhood Schizofrenia. 7, 1977: 68-71.
DeMyer, M. The Nature of Neuropsychoiogical Disability in Autistic Children. Journal of Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia. 5. (2), 1975: 109-128.
Lord, C., Schopler, E. Neurobiological Issues in Autism. Plenum Press: New York. 1987.
Schopler, E., Mesibov, G. Neurobiological Issues in Autism. New York: Plenum Press. 1987.
Ciarnello, B.F., Vandenberg, S., Andrés, T. "Intrinsic and Extrinsic Determinants of Neural Develpment: Relation to Infantile Autism." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 12, 1982: 115-145.
Launay, J., Bureztejn, C., Ferrari, P., Dreux, C. "Catecholamines Metabolism in Infantile Autism: A Controlled Study of 22 Autistic Children." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 17, 1987: 333-347.
Gilberg, C., Svennerholm, L. "CSF Monoamines in Autistic Syndromes and Other Pervasive Developmental Disorders in Early Childhood." Brittish Journal of Psychiatry. 151, 1987: 89-94.
Anderson, L.T., Campbell, M., Grega, D. "Haloperidol in the Treatment of Infantile Autism: Effects on Learning and Behavioral Symptoms." American Journal of Psychiatry. 141, 1984: 1195-1201.
Barthelemy, C., Bruneau, N., Jouve, J., Martineau, J. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 19, 1989: 241-254.
Kuperman, S., Beeghly, J., Burns, T., Tsai, L. "Serotonin Relationships of Autistic Probands and Their First-Degree Relatives." Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychology. 24, 1985: 186-190.
Chris Heh, C.W., Smith, R.., Wu, J., et al. "Positrón Emission Tomography of the Cerebellum in Autism." Journal of Psychiatry. 142 (2), 1989: 242-245.
Sandyk, R. "Naloxone Abolishes self-Injuring in a Mental Retared Child". Aunáis of Neurology. 17,1985: 520.
Weizman, R., Weizman, A., Tyano, S., Szkely, G., Weissman, B., Weber, E. Autism, A Reference llook. (Ellen Weber Bell, ed.) Longman, New York. 1986.
Watson, S.J., Akil. H., Berger, P.A. Barchas, J.D. "Some Observations on the Opiate Peptides and Shizophrenia". Archives of General Psychiatry. 36 G.P 1979: 35-41.
Gaffney, g., Tsai, L., Kuperman, s., et al. "Cerebellar Structure in autism". ADJC, 141, 1987: 1330-1332.
Bauman, M.L., Kemper, T.L. "Histoanatomic observations of the Brain in Infantile Autism". Neurology. 35, 1984: 866-874.
Delong, G.R. A Neuropsychologic Interpretation of Infantile Autism. New York: Plenum press. 1978.
I loffman, W., Prior, M. "Neuropsychological Dimensions of Autism in children": A Test of the Hemispheric Dysfunction Hypothesis. Journal of clinical Neuropsycho- logy. 4, 1982: 27-42.
DeMyer, M., Hendrie, H., Gilmor, R., DeMyer, W. Magnetic Resonance Imaging in psychiatry. Psychiatric Annals. 15 (4), 1985: 262-267.
Courchesne, E., Hesselink, J., Jcrnigan, T.L. et al. "Abnormal Neuroanatomy in Nonretarded persons with Autism. Unusual Findings with Magnetic Resonance Imaging". Archives of Neurology. 44, 1987: 335-340.
Murakami, J.W., Courchesne, E., Press, A., et al. "Reduced cerebellar hemisphere size and its Relation to vermal hypoplasia in autism". Archives of Neurology. 46, 1989:689-694.
Lamondella, J. "The Limbic System in Human Comunication". Studies of Neuro- linguistics. New York: Academy Press. (1977).
Damasio , A.R., Maurer, R.G. A Neurological Model of Autism. (1978).
Ornitz, E. Neuropliysiologic Studies. A Keappraisal of Concepts and Treatments. New York: Plenum Press. 1979.
MacCulloch, M., Williams, C. "The Nature of Infantile Autism." Acta Psichiatrica Scandinavica. 47, 1971: 295-314.
Simón, N. "Echolalia Speech in Childhood Autism." Archives of General Psychiatry. 32, 1975: 1439-1446.
Rosenblum, A., Arich, J., Krug, S. "Auditory Brainstem Evoked Responses in Autistic Children." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 10, 1980: 215-226.
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