Ausencia de aprendizaje en evitación al gusto socialmente transmitido en ratas viviendo agrupadas en condiciones de laboratorio
Issue | Vol. 16 Núm. 3 (1991): Ciencia y Sociedad |
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Publicado | sep 1, 1991 |
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Ratas viviendo en pares muestran el efecto compañero envenenado al intoxicar una de ellas con LiCI. Este aprendizaje de evitación socialmente transmitido no ocurre si los animales vivien agrupados. No aparece ni intoxicando un en un grupo de cinco, ni tampoco tres animales en un grupo de cinco. Se discuten los componentes sociales que interfieren con este aprendizaje.
García y Koelling. Relation of Cue to Consequence in Avoidance learning. Psichonoinic Science. 1966, 14: 124-124.
García, J., R. García y Robertson. Evolution of learning mechanisms. En: Psycho- logy of Learning. B. L. Hammonds (ed.). Washington, Amer. Psych. Ass. 1984: 191-243.
Harpaz, S. y J. E. Steiner. Quantitative Analysis of Feeding behavior stereotypes and of the Rejection of aversivc-tasting food in the Freshwater Prawn. Macroba- hiun rosenbergii. En: Olfaction and taste IX. (S.D. Roper & J. Atema, ed.) Ann. N.Y. Academy of Sci.. Vol. 510, 1987 : 347.
Mattes, R.D., C. Arnold y M. Borans. BlockingLearned FoodAversions in Cáncer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy, In : Olfaction and Taste IX, (S.D. Roper & J. Atema, ed.), Ann N. Y. Academy of Sci, Vol. 510, 1987 : 478.
Alcock, J. Animal Behavior : An Evolutionary Approach. 2nd. Ed. Sinaver Pul., Mass. 1979.
Revusky, S. The Concurrent Interference approach to Delay Learning. En : L. M. Barker, M. R. Best y M. Domjan (Eds.) Learning Mechanism of Food Selection. Waco, Tx: Baylor Univ. Press, 1977.
Langley W.M. y K. Knapp. Effects of Toxicosis on the predatory behavior of the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) J. Comp. Psych. 1984,98 : 302-310.
Gemberling, G.A. Ingestión ofa NovelFlavor Before Exposure to Pups Injected With Lithium Chloride Produces a Taste Aversión in Mother Rats (Rattus rtorvegicus). J. Comp. Psychol. 1984 : 98 : 285-301.
Gustavson, C.R. Comparative and Field aspects of learned food aversión. En: L. M. Barger, M. R. Best y M. Domjan (Eds.) Learning Mechanisms in Food Selection. Waco, Text: Baylor Univ. Press., 1977.
Wills, G. D., A.L. Wesley, F. R. Moorey D. A. Sisemore. Social interactions among rodent Conspecifics: A review of experimentalparadigms. Neurosa & Behav. Rev. 1983,7:315-323.
Lore, R. y K. Flanelly. Rat Societies. Scientifíc American, May 1977: 106-116.
Strupp, B. J. y D. A. Levitsky. Social Transmission offood preferences in adult hooded rats (Rattus Norvegicus). Jour. Comp. Psych. 1984, 98 : 257-266.
Galef, B. G., Jr. Information Centers of Noway rats: Sites for Information exchange and Information parasitism. Animal Behav., Vol. 41 (2), 1991 : 295-302.
Lavin, M. J., B. Freise y S. Coombes. Transfered flavor aversions in adult rats. Behav. and Neural Biol. 1980, 28 (1) : 15-33.
Coombes, S. ; S. H. Revusky y B. T. Lett. Long-delay tosté aversión leaming in a umpoisoned rat: Exposure to apoisoned rat as the unconditioned súmulas. Leaming and Motivation, 1980,11: 256-266.
Bond, N. W. The poisoned-partner effect in rats: Some parametric considerations. Animal Learning and Behav., 1984 12 : 89-96.
Galef, Jr., B.; S. W. Wigmore & D. J. Kennett. A failure to find socially mediated tosté aversión learning in norway rats (R. norvegicus). J. Comp. Psych. 1983, 97: 358-363.
Revusky, S.; S. Coombes & R. Pohl. Failure of albino guinea pigs to exhibit Lavin’s poisonedpartner effect. Behav. and Neural Biol. 1981,32 : 111-113.
Siegel, S. Estadística no paramétrica. Ed. Trillas, México, 1970.
Karen, Robert L. An introduction to behavior theory and its applications. Harper & Row, New York, 1974.
Russell, P. A. Relationship between exploratory behavior andfear: a Review. Brítish Jour. Psychol. 1973, 64 : 417-433.
Ellis, S. R., L. Thompson & W. E. Swanson. Effects of novelty and familiarity on illness-induced aversions tofood and place cues in coyotes (Canis laírans). J. Comp. Psychol. 1983, 97 : 302-309.
Kurtz, E. M. & D. A. Levitsky. Lithium chloride and avoidance of novel places. Behav. Newroscience, 1983, 97 : 445-451.
Von Holst, D. El "stress" social en los mamíferos. Los congéneres como medio ambiente nocivo. Universitas, 1977, XV: 143-151.
Wesenfeld, E. La alta densidad: Su impacto y modelos para su estudio. Boletín de AVEPSO. 1990, Vol. 8: 23-33.
Wickery, W. L. Optimal diet models and Rodent food consumption. Animal Behav. 1984, 32 : 340-348.
Laland, K. N. & H. C. Plotkin. Excretory deposits surrounding food sites facilítate social learning of food preferences in Norway Rats. Animal Behaviour, 1991, 41 : 997-1006.
Galef, B. G. Jr.; A. Mischinger, A. Sylvie. Hungry Rats’ following of conspecifics to food depends on the diets eaten by potential leaders. Animal Behaviour, 1987, 35 : 1234-1239.
Dunn, L. T. & B. J. Everitt. Double dissociations of the effects ofamydala and insular cortex lesions on condicionted tosté aversión, passive avoidance, and neophobia in the Raí usingthe excitoxin ibotenic acid. Behav. Neuroscience, 1988 102 : 3-23.
Aggleton, J. P., M. Petrides & S. D. Iversen. Differential effects of amydaloid lesión on conditioned tosté avresion learningby rats. Physiology and Behavior, 1981 27 : 397-978.
Mishkin, M. y T. Appenzeller. The Anatomy of Memory. En: The workings of the Brain: Development, Memory and Perception. R. Llinás (ed.). Readings of Scientific American, W. H. Freeman and Company, N.Y. 1990 : 8-104.
KJing, A. Citado por Hans y Michaeí Eysenck. La Máquina de la Mente. Anaya, Madrid. 1982, p. 113.
Ruse, M. Sociobiología. Cátedra, Madrid, 1983.
García, J., R. García y Robertson. Evolution of learning mechanisms. En: Psycho- logy of Learning. B. L. Hammonds (ed.). Washington, Amer. Psych. Ass. 1984: 191-243.
Harpaz, S. y J. E. Steiner. Quantitative Analysis of Feeding behavior stereotypes and of the Rejection of aversivc-tasting food in the Freshwater Prawn. Macroba- hiun rosenbergii. En: Olfaction and taste IX. (S.D. Roper & J. Atema, ed.) Ann. N.Y. Academy of Sci.. Vol. 510, 1987 : 347.
Mattes, R.D., C. Arnold y M. Borans. BlockingLearned FoodAversions in Cáncer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy, In : Olfaction and Taste IX, (S.D. Roper & J. Atema, ed.), Ann N. Y. Academy of Sci, Vol. 510, 1987 : 478.
Alcock, J. Animal Behavior : An Evolutionary Approach. 2nd. Ed. Sinaver Pul., Mass. 1979.
Revusky, S. The Concurrent Interference approach to Delay Learning. En : L. M. Barker, M. R. Best y M. Domjan (Eds.) Learning Mechanism of Food Selection. Waco, Tx: Baylor Univ. Press, 1977.
Langley W.M. y K. Knapp. Effects of Toxicosis on the predatory behavior of the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) J. Comp. Psych. 1984,98 : 302-310.
Gemberling, G.A. Ingestión ofa NovelFlavor Before Exposure to Pups Injected With Lithium Chloride Produces a Taste Aversión in Mother Rats (Rattus rtorvegicus). J. Comp. Psychol. 1984 : 98 : 285-301.
Gustavson, C.R. Comparative and Field aspects of learned food aversión. En: L. M. Barger, M. R. Best y M. Domjan (Eds.) Learning Mechanisms in Food Selection. Waco, Text: Baylor Univ. Press., 1977.
Wills, G. D., A.L. Wesley, F. R. Moorey D. A. Sisemore. Social interactions among rodent Conspecifics: A review of experimentalparadigms. Neurosa & Behav. Rev. 1983,7:315-323.
Lore, R. y K. Flanelly. Rat Societies. Scientifíc American, May 1977: 106-116.
Strupp, B. J. y D. A. Levitsky. Social Transmission offood preferences in adult hooded rats (Rattus Norvegicus). Jour. Comp. Psych. 1984, 98 : 257-266.
Galef, B. G., Jr. Information Centers of Noway rats: Sites for Information exchange and Information parasitism. Animal Behav., Vol. 41 (2), 1991 : 295-302.
Lavin, M. J., B. Freise y S. Coombes. Transfered flavor aversions in adult rats. Behav. and Neural Biol. 1980, 28 (1) : 15-33.
Coombes, S. ; S. H. Revusky y B. T. Lett. Long-delay tosté aversión leaming in a umpoisoned rat: Exposure to apoisoned rat as the unconditioned súmulas. Leaming and Motivation, 1980,11: 256-266.
Bond, N. W. The poisoned-partner effect in rats: Some parametric considerations. Animal Learning and Behav., 1984 12 : 89-96.
Galef, Jr., B.; S. W. Wigmore & D. J. Kennett. A failure to find socially mediated tosté aversión learning in norway rats (R. norvegicus). J. Comp. Psych. 1983, 97: 358-363.
Revusky, S.; S. Coombes & R. Pohl. Failure of albino guinea pigs to exhibit Lavin’s poisonedpartner effect. Behav. and Neural Biol. 1981,32 : 111-113.
Siegel, S. Estadística no paramétrica. Ed. Trillas, México, 1970.
Karen, Robert L. An introduction to behavior theory and its applications. Harper & Row, New York, 1974.
Russell, P. A. Relationship between exploratory behavior andfear: a Review. Brítish Jour. Psychol. 1973, 64 : 417-433.
Ellis, S. R., L. Thompson & W. E. Swanson. Effects of novelty and familiarity on illness-induced aversions tofood and place cues in coyotes (Canis laírans). J. Comp. Psychol. 1983, 97 : 302-309.
Kurtz, E. M. & D. A. Levitsky. Lithium chloride and avoidance of novel places. Behav. Newroscience, 1983, 97 : 445-451.
Von Holst, D. El "stress" social en los mamíferos. Los congéneres como medio ambiente nocivo. Universitas, 1977, XV: 143-151.
Wesenfeld, E. La alta densidad: Su impacto y modelos para su estudio. Boletín de AVEPSO. 1990, Vol. 8: 23-33.
Wickery, W. L. Optimal diet models and Rodent food consumption. Animal Behav. 1984, 32 : 340-348.
Laland, K. N. & H. C. Plotkin. Excretory deposits surrounding food sites facilítate social learning of food preferences in Norway Rats. Animal Behaviour, 1991, 41 : 997-1006.
Galef, B. G. Jr.; A. Mischinger, A. Sylvie. Hungry Rats’ following of conspecifics to food depends on the diets eaten by potential leaders. Animal Behaviour, 1987, 35 : 1234-1239.
Dunn, L. T. & B. J. Everitt. Double dissociations of the effects ofamydala and insular cortex lesions on condicionted tosté aversión, passive avoidance, and neophobia in the Raí usingthe excitoxin ibotenic acid. Behav. Neuroscience, 1988 102 : 3-23.
Aggleton, J. P., M. Petrides & S. D. Iversen. Differential effects of amydaloid lesión on conditioned tosté avresion learningby rats. Physiology and Behavior, 1981 27 : 397-978.
Mishkin, M. y T. Appenzeller. The Anatomy of Memory. En: The workings of the Brain: Development, Memory and Perception. R. Llinás (ed.). Readings of Scientific American, W. H. Freeman and Company, N.Y. 1990 : 8-104.
KJing, A. Citado por Hans y Michaeí Eysenck. La Máquina de la Mente. Anaya, Madrid. 1982, p. 113.
Ruse, M. Sociobiología. Cátedra, Madrid, 1983.
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© Ciencia y Sociedad, 2017
José Ramón Albaine Pons
Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC)
Cómo citar
Albaine Pons, J. R. (1991). Ausencia de aprendizaje en evitación al gusto socialmente transmitido en ratas viviendo agrupadas en condiciones de laboratorio. Ciencia Y Sociedad, 16(3), 259–69.