Science, Technology, and Innovation policies in the integration process of Central America and the Dominican Republic: the role of representations and perceptions
Issue | Vol. 47 Núm. 4 (2022): Ciencia y Sociedad |
DOI | |
Publicado | dic 10, 2022 |
Estadísticas |
This paper summarizes the findings of a qualitative study about the role of the representations and perception of Science, Technology, and Innovation Policies (STI) in the Central American integration process. It is based on interviews with policymakers and a parallel literature review process. The main finding points out the limitation of translating in practical terms the representations and perception of the positive role of STI policies in supporting the integration process and economic development at regional and national levels. An organic, long-term, and multiscale STI policy commitment is required to foster a more proactive and influential role of STI policy in the integration process and in supporting capacity building for innovation.
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Víctor Gómez-Valenzuela
Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), Dominican Republic