Efecto del hacinamiento y condicionamiento aversivo sobre el peso de glándulas de secreción interna en ratas macho
Issue | Vol. 11 Núm. 2 (1986): Ciencia y Sociedad |
DOI | |
Publicado | jun 1, 1986 |
Estadísticas |
Este texto analiza los cambios en el peso de los órganos internos de animales de experimentación, los cuales han sido correlacionados con situaciones estresoras. Los cambios en el peso de testículos en ratas y ratones han sido reportados con estos animales en condiciones de vida en grupo.
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Thompson, R. F. et al. "The engram found? Initial localization of the memory trace for a basic form of associative learning". Prog. Psychobiol. and Phychol., (J. M. Sprague & A. N. Epstein, ed.). New York: Acad. Press, 1983. v. 10, pp. 167-196.
Walsh, R. N. "Effects of environmental complexity and deprivation on brain chemistry and physiology: A review". Intern. Jour. Neuroscience, (11): 77-89, 1980.
Armario, A.; R. Ortiz y J. Balash. "Effect of crowding on some physiological and behavioral variable in adult male rats". Physiol. & Behav. (32): 33-37, 1984.
Bassett, J. R.; K. Cairncross y M. King. "Parameters of novelty, shock predictability and response contingency in corticosterone release in the rat". Physiol. & Behav., (10): 901-907, 1973.
Brush, F. R. (ed.). Aversive Conditioning and Learning. New York: Acad. Press, 1971.
Cummings, R. A. Unpublished M. Sc. Thesis. University of Queensland, 1973, (in R. N. Walsh).
Davis, H. y. S. Levine. "Predictability, control, and the pituitary-adrenal response in rats". Jour. Comp. Physiol. Psychol., (96): 393-404, 1982.
Hennessy, J. W.; M. G. King; T. A. McClure y S. Levine. "Uncertainty, as defined by the contingency between environmental events, and the adrenocortical response of the rat Lo electric shock". Jour. Comp. Physiol. Psychol., (91): 1447-1460, 1977.
Herrman, T. F.; H. M. B. Hurwitz y S. Levine. "Behavioral control, aversive stimulus frecuency, and pituitary adrenal response". Behav. Neuroscienee, (98): 1094-1099, 1984.
Jean-Faucher, Ch.; M. Berger y M. De Turckheim et al. "Effect of dense housing on the growth of reproductive organs, plasma testosterone levels and fertility of male mice". Jour. Endocrinol., (90): 397-402, 1981.
Kuetnansky, R. "Neural and endocrine regulation of adrenal catecholamine biosynthesis in stress". En: Hormone Metabolism and Stress, Bratislava: Publish. Slovak Acad. Sci., 1973. pp. 55-56.
Levine, S. y F. R. Brush. "Adrenocortical activity and avoidance learning as a function of time after avoidance learning". Physiol. & Behav., (2): 385-388, 1967.
Levine, S. "Stress and behavior". Scient. Amer., (224): 26-31, 1971.
McCarty, R. e I. J. Kopin. "Sympatho-adrenal medullary activity and behavior during exposure to footshock stress: A comparison of seven rat strains". Physiol. & Behav. (21): 567-572, 1978.
McCarty, R. e I. J. Kopin. "Stress-induced alterations in plasma catecholamines and behavior of rats: Effects of chlorisondamine and bretylium". Behav. A Neural Biol., (27): 249-265, 1979.
Pérez de Francisco, C. "Catecolaminas y stress". Rev. Latioamer. Psicol., (10): 259-266, 1978.
Poggioli, R.; A. V. Vergoni y A. Bartolini. "Sexual Behavior: Influence of avoidance conditioning and of inmediate punishment in male rats". Experiencia. (39): 1414-1416, 1983.
Preobrazhenskaya, L. A. "Emotional stress under conditioning switching-over of heterogeneus instrumental reflexes". Jour. Vish. Nerv. Deyat. im. Pavlova, (28): 505-513, 1978.
Rescorla, R. A. y Solomon, R. L. "Relationships between pavlovian conditioning and instrumental learning". Phychological Rev., (74): 151-182, 1967.
Selye, H. Stress without distress. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1974.
Sokolova, E. V. "Influence of stress in early ontogenesis on avoidance reaction of your rats". Zhour. Vish. Ñerv. Deyat. im. Pavlova, (28): 343-347, 1978.
Thompson, R. F. et al. "The engram found? Initial localization of the memory trace for a basic form of associative learning". Prog. Psychobiol. and Phychol., (J. M. Sprague & A. N. Epstein, ed.). New York: Acad. Press, 1983. v. 10, pp. 167-196.
Walsh, R. N. "Effects of environmental complexity and deprivation on brain chemistry and physiology: A review". Intern. Jour. Neuroscience, (11): 77-89, 1980.
fisiología comparada
animales de laboratorio
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© Ciencia y Sociedad, 2017
José Ramón Albaine Pons
Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC)
Cómo citar
Albaine Pons, J. R. (1986). Efecto del hacinamiento y condicionamiento aversivo sobre el peso de glándulas de secreción interna en ratas macho. Ciencia Y Sociedad, 11(2), 143–9. https://doi.org/10.22206/cys.1986.v11i2.pp143-9