Biología de Cannabis Sativa (Marihuana) : efectos sobre animales de laboratorio
Issue | Vol. 10 Núm. 3 (1985): Ciencia y Sociedad |
DOI | |
Publicado | sep 1, 1985 |
Estadísticas |
Este texto muestra una revisión bibliográfica que pretende aportar ciertos conocimientos científicos sobre la biología de Cannabis Sativa (Marihuana), los conocimientos son adquiridos bajo el riguroso método de los laboratorios de investigación, principalmente en animales.
Abel, E. L. "Cannabis: Effects on hunger and thirst". Behav. Biol., 15(2): 255 - 281, 1975.
Abel, E. L. "Marihuana and Sex: A critical survey". Drug and Alcoh. Depend. 8(1): 1 - 22, 1981.
Abel, E. L.; B. A. Dintcheff y N. Day. 1980. "Effects of marihuana on pregnant rats and their offsprinq". Psychopharmacology, 71 (1): 71 - 74.
Anokhine, P. K. Biología y Neurofisiología del Reflejo condicionado. Moscú: Ed. Medicina, 1981.
Asch, R. H.; C. G. Smith y T. M. Siler-Khodr et al. "Effects of 9-tetra- hydrocannabinol during the follicular phase of the Rhesus monkey (Macaca mulata). J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 52 (1): 50 - 55, 1981.
Baker, P. B.; K. R. Bagon y T. A. Gough. "Variation in THC content in illicity imported Cannabis products". Bulleting on Narcotics (U. N. Publication) 32 (4): 47 - 54, 1980.
Consroe, P. y B. Schneiderman. "Behavioral pharmacology of tetrahydrocannabinol convulsions in rabbits". Comm. in Psycho- pharmacol., (4): 287 - 291, 1980.
Cozens, D.; G. Nahas y D. Harvery et al. "Foetotoxicite des extraits de cannabis''. Bull. Acad. Nat. Mod. (París), 164 (3): 276- 281, 1980.
Cruz G., A. Contra las drogas ahora; después sería muy tarde. Santo Domingo: Ed. Corripio, 1984.
Chakravarty, I. y J. J. Ghosh. "Influence of cannabis and delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol on the biochemistry of the male reproductive organs". Biochem. Pharmacol., 30 (4): 273 - 276, 1981.
Charlebois, A. T. y P. A. Fried. "Interactive effects of nutrition and cannabis upon rat perinatal development". Can. Dev. Psychobiol., 13 (6): 591 - 605, 1980.
Dalterio, S.; K. Blum; L. Delallo et al. "Perinatal expusure of 9-THC in mice: Altered enkephalin and norepinephrine sensitivity in vas deferens". Subst. Alcohol Actions/Misuse, 1(5/6): 467-471, 1980.
Dalterio, S.; A. Bartke; M. J. K. Harper et al. "Effects of cannabinoids and female exposure on the pituitary testicular axis in mice: Possible involvement of prostaglandins". Biol. Reprod., 24 (2): 315 - 322, 1981.
De Moya, A. La Drogadicción en Santo Domingo. Santo Domingo: Inst. Dom. Est. Aplicados, 1976.
Dixit, V. P., C. L. Gupta y M. Agrawal. "Testicular degeneration and necrosis induced by chronic administration of cannabis extract in dogs". Endokrinologie, 69 (3): 299 - 305, 1977.
Geber, W. F. y L. C. Schramn. "Effect of marihuana extract on fetal hamster and rabbits". Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 14 (2): 276 - 282, 1969.
Haavik, C. O.; H. F. Hardman y F. G. Collins et al. "The effect of 9-tetrahydrocannabinol on oxygen consumption, body temperature, and heat loss". Res. Common. Subst. Abuse, 1(4): 381 - 405, 1900.
Haavik, C. O. y Hardman. "An investigation of the hypothermic action of 9-tetrahydrocannabinol by use of pharmacological blocking agents". Res. Common. Subst. Abuse, 1(4): 353359, 1980.
Holtzman, D.; R. A. Lovell y J. H. Jaffe et al. "1 -△-a-tetrahydrocannabinol: neurochemical and behavioral effects in the mouse”. Science, 163: 1464 - 1467, 1969.
Kawasaki, H.; S. Watanabe y S. Veki. "Effects of chronic administration of 9-tetrahydrocannabinol on the cardiovascular system, and pressor and behavioral responses to brain stimulation in freely moving rats". Eur. J. Pharmacol., 65 (1): 63 - 69, 1980.
Kaymakcalan S., I. Kerse y V. Ors et al. "Delta-9-THC induced electron microscopic changes in rat liver cells". Hacettepe Bull. Med. Surg., 11(1-2): 38 - 44, 1978.
Leighty, E. G. "In vitro rat liver microsomal conjugation of several cannabinoids to fatty acids". Res. Common. Subst. Abuse, (1/2): 169 - 175, 1980.
Lerner, P. "The precise determination of tetrahydrocannabinol in marihuana and hashish". Bulletin on Narcotics (U. N. Publication), 21(3): 39 - 42, 1969.
Levy, J. A. y G. H. Heppner. "Immunasuppression by marihuana and its cannabonoid constituents". J. Immunopharmacol., 2(2): 159 - 177, 1980.
Mcglothlin, W. C. y L. J. West. "The marihuana problem: An overview". Amer. Jour. Psych., 125(3): 370 - 378, 1968.
Mechoulan, R. "Marihuana chemistry". Science, 168: 1159 - 1166, 1970.
Miller, L. C. "Marihuana and behavior: Human and Subhuman Comparisons". En: Marihuana: Effects on Human Behavior. New York: Acad. Press, 1974. pp. 189-219.
Nielsen, E. "Thin-layer chormatographic analysis of Cannabis from Danish and other sources". Dansk Tidsskr Farm, 44 (10): 359 - 364, 1970.
Rawitch, A. B.; R. Rohrer y R. M. Vardaris. "Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol uptake by adipose tissue: Preferential accumulation in gonadal fat organs". Gen. Pharmacol., 10(6): 525 - 529, 1979.
Repetto M., P. Sanz y C. Rodríguez-Vicente. "Effect of cannabis on transport mechanism through liver cell membranes". Gen. Pharmacol., 12(2): A-26, 1981.
Sieber, B.; H. R. Frischnecht y P. G. Waser. "Behavioral effects of hashish in mice. I. Social interactions and nest-building behavior of mice". Psychopharmacology, 70 (2): 149 - 154, 1980.
Sieber, B.; H. R. Frischnecht y P. G. Waser. "Behavioral effects of hashish in mice. IV. Social dominance, food dominance and sexual behavior within a group of males". Psychopharmacology, 73(2): 142 - 146, 1981.
Stark, P. y P.B. Dews. "Cannabinoids. II. Cardiovascular effeet". J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 214(1): 131 - 138, 1980.
Taeschner, K. L. "The hashish problem: clinical aspects". Dtsch. Arztebl. 78(4): 126 - 129, 1901.
Thompson, R. F. et al. "The Engram found? Initial localization of the memory trace for a basic form of associative learning". En: Progress in Psychob. and Physiol. Psychol. J. M. Sprague and A. N. Epstein (ed.). v. X, 1983. pp. 167-196.
Tulunay, F. C.; B. Uran y I. H. Ayhan. "Development of physical dependence in short-term tetrahydrocannabinol treated rats". Res. Common. Subst. Abuse, 1(2): 151 - 157, 1980.
Turley, W. A. Jr. y O. R. Flnody. "-9-tetrahydrocannabinol stimulates receptive and proceptive sexual behaviors in femáis hamsters". Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav., 14 (5): 745 - 747, 1981.
Turner, C. E., D. J. Bouwsman y S. Billiets et al. "Constituents of Cannabis sativa L. XVIII. Electron voltage selected ion monitoring study of cannabinoids". Biomed. Mass. Spectrom. 7(6): 247 - 256, 1980*
Turski, W. A.; S. J. Czuczwar; Z. Kleinrok y L. Turski. "Does morphine withdrawal produce brain damage in rats?". Life Sciences, v. 33, Sup. 1: 397 - 400, 1983.
Verbene, A. J. M.; D. A. Taylor y M. R. Fennessy. "Attenuation of 9-tetrahydrocannabinol-induced withdrawal-like bebavior by 9-tetrahydrocannabinol". PsychopharmacoJogy, 73(1): 97 - 98, 1981.
Warburton, D. M. Brain, Behaviour and Drugs. New York: John Wiley, 1975.
Wilkison, D. M. y M. J. Hosko. "Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol: Effects on primary cortical evoked responsos in cats". Pharmacologist, 22(3): No. 510, 1980
Abel, E. L. "Marihuana and Sex: A critical survey". Drug and Alcoh. Depend. 8(1): 1 - 22, 1981.
Abel, E. L.; B. A. Dintcheff y N. Day. 1980. "Effects of marihuana on pregnant rats and their offsprinq". Psychopharmacology, 71 (1): 71 - 74.
Anokhine, P. K. Biología y Neurofisiología del Reflejo condicionado. Moscú: Ed. Medicina, 1981.
Asch, R. H.; C. G. Smith y T. M. Siler-Khodr et al. "Effects of 9-tetra- hydrocannabinol during the follicular phase of the Rhesus monkey (Macaca mulata). J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 52 (1): 50 - 55, 1981.
Baker, P. B.; K. R. Bagon y T. A. Gough. "Variation in THC content in illicity imported Cannabis products". Bulleting on Narcotics (U. N. Publication) 32 (4): 47 - 54, 1980.
Consroe, P. y B. Schneiderman. "Behavioral pharmacology of tetrahydrocannabinol convulsions in rabbits". Comm. in Psycho- pharmacol., (4): 287 - 291, 1980.
Cozens, D.; G. Nahas y D. Harvery et al. "Foetotoxicite des extraits de cannabis''. Bull. Acad. Nat. Mod. (París), 164 (3): 276- 281, 1980.
Cruz G., A. Contra las drogas ahora; después sería muy tarde. Santo Domingo: Ed. Corripio, 1984.
Chakravarty, I. y J. J. Ghosh. "Influence of cannabis and delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol on the biochemistry of the male reproductive organs". Biochem. Pharmacol., 30 (4): 273 - 276, 1981.
Charlebois, A. T. y P. A. Fried. "Interactive effects of nutrition and cannabis upon rat perinatal development". Can. Dev. Psychobiol., 13 (6): 591 - 605, 1980.
Dalterio, S.; K. Blum; L. Delallo et al. "Perinatal expusure of 9-THC in mice: Altered enkephalin and norepinephrine sensitivity in vas deferens". Subst. Alcohol Actions/Misuse, 1(5/6): 467-471, 1980.
Dalterio, S.; A. Bartke; M. J. K. Harper et al. "Effects of cannabinoids and female exposure on the pituitary testicular axis in mice: Possible involvement of prostaglandins". Biol. Reprod., 24 (2): 315 - 322, 1981.
De Moya, A. La Drogadicción en Santo Domingo. Santo Domingo: Inst. Dom. Est. Aplicados, 1976.
Dixit, V. P., C. L. Gupta y M. Agrawal. "Testicular degeneration and necrosis induced by chronic administration of cannabis extract in dogs". Endokrinologie, 69 (3): 299 - 305, 1977.
Geber, W. F. y L. C. Schramn. "Effect of marihuana extract on fetal hamster and rabbits". Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 14 (2): 276 - 282, 1969.
Haavik, C. O.; H. F. Hardman y F. G. Collins et al. "The effect of 9-tetrahydrocannabinol on oxygen consumption, body temperature, and heat loss". Res. Common. Subst. Abuse, 1(4): 381 - 405, 1900.
Haavik, C. O. y Hardman. "An investigation of the hypothermic action of 9-tetrahydrocannabinol by use of pharmacological blocking agents". Res. Common. Subst. Abuse, 1(4): 353359, 1980.
Holtzman, D.; R. A. Lovell y J. H. Jaffe et al. "1 -△-a-tetrahydrocannabinol: neurochemical and behavioral effects in the mouse”. Science, 163: 1464 - 1467, 1969.
Kawasaki, H.; S. Watanabe y S. Veki. "Effects of chronic administration of 9-tetrahydrocannabinol on the cardiovascular system, and pressor and behavioral responses to brain stimulation in freely moving rats". Eur. J. Pharmacol., 65 (1): 63 - 69, 1980.
Kaymakcalan S., I. Kerse y V. Ors et al. "Delta-9-THC induced electron microscopic changes in rat liver cells". Hacettepe Bull. Med. Surg., 11(1-2): 38 - 44, 1978.
Leighty, E. G. "In vitro rat liver microsomal conjugation of several cannabinoids to fatty acids". Res. Common. Subst. Abuse, (1/2): 169 - 175, 1980.
Lerner, P. "The precise determination of tetrahydrocannabinol in marihuana and hashish". Bulletin on Narcotics (U. N. Publication), 21(3): 39 - 42, 1969.
Levy, J. A. y G. H. Heppner. "Immunasuppression by marihuana and its cannabonoid constituents". J. Immunopharmacol., 2(2): 159 - 177, 1980.
Mcglothlin, W. C. y L. J. West. "The marihuana problem: An overview". Amer. Jour. Psych., 125(3): 370 - 378, 1968.
Mechoulan, R. "Marihuana chemistry". Science, 168: 1159 - 1166, 1970.
Miller, L. C. "Marihuana and behavior: Human and Subhuman Comparisons". En: Marihuana: Effects on Human Behavior. New York: Acad. Press, 1974. pp. 189-219.
Nielsen, E. "Thin-layer chormatographic analysis of Cannabis from Danish and other sources". Dansk Tidsskr Farm, 44 (10): 359 - 364, 1970.
Rawitch, A. B.; R. Rohrer y R. M. Vardaris. "Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol uptake by adipose tissue: Preferential accumulation in gonadal fat organs". Gen. Pharmacol., 10(6): 525 - 529, 1979.
Repetto M., P. Sanz y C. Rodríguez-Vicente. "Effect of cannabis on transport mechanism through liver cell membranes". Gen. Pharmacol., 12(2): A-26, 1981.
Sieber, B.; H. R. Frischnecht y P. G. Waser. "Behavioral effects of hashish in mice. I. Social interactions and nest-building behavior of mice". Psychopharmacology, 70 (2): 149 - 154, 1980.
Sieber, B.; H. R. Frischnecht y P. G. Waser. "Behavioral effects of hashish in mice. IV. Social dominance, food dominance and sexual behavior within a group of males". Psychopharmacology, 73(2): 142 - 146, 1981.
Stark, P. y P.B. Dews. "Cannabinoids. II. Cardiovascular effeet". J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 214(1): 131 - 138, 1980.
Taeschner, K. L. "The hashish problem: clinical aspects". Dtsch. Arztebl. 78(4): 126 - 129, 1901.
Thompson, R. F. et al. "The Engram found? Initial localization of the memory trace for a basic form of associative learning". En: Progress in Psychob. and Physiol. Psychol. J. M. Sprague and A. N. Epstein (ed.). v. X, 1983. pp. 167-196.
Tulunay, F. C.; B. Uran y I. H. Ayhan. "Development of physical dependence in short-term tetrahydrocannabinol treated rats". Res. Common. Subst. Abuse, 1(2): 151 - 157, 1980.
Turley, W. A. Jr. y O. R. Flnody. "-9-tetrahydrocannabinol stimulates receptive and proceptive sexual behaviors in femáis hamsters". Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav., 14 (5): 745 - 747, 1981.
Turner, C. E., D. J. Bouwsman y S. Billiets et al. "Constituents of Cannabis sativa L. XVIII. Electron voltage selected ion monitoring study of cannabinoids". Biomed. Mass. Spectrom. 7(6): 247 - 256, 1980*
Turski, W. A.; S. J. Czuczwar; Z. Kleinrok y L. Turski. "Does morphine withdrawal produce brain damage in rats?". Life Sciences, v. 33, Sup. 1: 397 - 400, 1983.
Verbene, A. J. M.; D. A. Taylor y M. R. Fennessy. "Attenuation of 9-tetrahydrocannabinol-induced withdrawal-like bebavior by 9-tetrahydrocannabinol". PsychopharmacoJogy, 73(1): 97 - 98, 1981.
Warburton, D. M. Brain, Behaviour and Drugs. New York: John Wiley, 1975.
Wilkison, D. M. y M. J. Hosko. "Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol: Effects on primary cortical evoked responsos in cats". Pharmacologist, 22(3): No. 510, 1980
animales de laboratorio.
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© Ciencia y Sociedad, 2017
José Ramón Albaine Pons
Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC)
Cómo citar
Albaine Pons, J. R. (1985). Biología de Cannabis Sativa (Marihuana) : efectos sobre animales de laboratorio. Ciencia Y Sociedad, 10(3), 399–411.