Medicina conductual: paradigma multidisciplinario e interactivo para el estudio y tratamiento de enfermedades idiopáticas o esenciales y crónicas
Issue | Vol. 9 Núm. 3 (1984): Ciencia y Sociedad |
DOI | |
Publicado | dic 1, 1984 |
Estadísticas |
Este texto analiza la medicina conductual: paradigma multidisciplinario e interactivo para el estudio y tratamiento de enfermedades idiopáticas o esenciales y crónicas. Se defiende la idea de que la crisis del paradigma de la medicina permitió el surgimiento de la medicina conductual y sus métodos. La conducta es decisiva y muy relevante a momento de diagnosticar una enfermedad.
Ahern, D. "Conditioned Heart Rate Acceleration during Biofeedback Control Respiration". Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Alexander, Franz. "Psychological Aspects of Medicine". Psychosomatic Medicine, 1(1) 1939. Journal of Institute for the advancement of health, 1 (2): 52-60, 1984.
American Cancer Society. The Psychological impact of cancer. Washington; ACS, 1975.
American Cancer Society. Third National Conference on Human Values & Cancer. Washington: ACS, 1981.
Andersen et al. "Women with Cancer: Psychologic and Immunologic Perspectives" Program Abstracts, SBM,1984.
Basmajian, J. V. "EMG Feedback in Neuromuscular Control". En: Surwit, et al. Behavioral Treatment of Disease. New York: Plenum Press, 1981.
Bayés, R. Psicología y Medicina. Barcelona: Fontanela, 1979.
Begelman, D. A. "Professional and Legal Issues in Behavioral Medicine", En: Doleys, D. et al. Behavioral Medicine. New York: Plenum Press, 1982.
Belar, C. "Health Psychology Training in Psychology Doctoral Programs", Division 38, American Psychological Association, 1983.
Belar, C. "Training the Clinical Psychology Student in Behavioral Medicine", Professional Psychology, pp. 596-604, 1979.
Birk, L. Biofeedback: Behavioral Medicine. New York: Grune and Straton, 1973.
Blumenthal, J. A. & Califf, R. "Secondary prevention of coronary Heart Disease", En: Surwit, et al., Op. Cit., 1981.
Borysenko, J. et al. "Behavioral Intervention in Insulin - Dependent Diabetes", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Brady, J. P. "The place Behavior Therapy in Medical Student and Psychiatric Resident Training". Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, (157): 21-26, 1973.
Caparrós, A. Historia de la psicología. Barcelona: CEAC, 1980.
Cataldo, M., Bird, B., C. Cunningham. "Experimental Analysis of EMG Feedback in Treating Cerebral Palsy", J. Behav. Med. (1): 311-322, 1978.
Cone, J. D; R. Hawkins. Behavior Assessment, New Directions in Clinical Psychology. New York: Brunner/Mazel Publishers, 1977.
Cullen, J.; B. Fox; R, Isom. "Cancer: The Behavioral Dimension", DHEW, publication number (NFX), 1976.
Dana, R. H. Teoría y práctica de la psicología clínica. Buenos Aires: Piadós, 1972.
Dahlem, N. W. et al. "Panic-fea in Asthma; Request for As-needded Medications in Relation to Pulmonary Function Measurements. En: Locke, S. et al. Mind and Immunity: Behavioral Immunology. New York: Institute for Advancemente of Health, 1983.
Doleys, D. R. L., Meredith; A. Ciminero. Behavioral Medicine. New York: Plenum Press, 1982.
Esler, M. et al. "Mild high-renin essential hyperstension". En: S. Weiss; G. Schwartz. "Behaviored Medicine: The Biobehavioral Perspective". En: Surwit et al., Op. Cit., 1981.
Fancher, R. E. Pioneers of psychology. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1979.
Ferster, C. B. et al. "Perspectivas de la psicología: XXV transición del laboratorio de animales a la clínica", tomado de R. Ulrich et al., Control de la conducta humana II. Méxica: Trillas, 1976, pp. 50-55.
Galland, L. et al. "Behavioral and Biological Interactions in Premenstrual Symptoms", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Gambrill, E. Behavior Modification: Handbook of Assessment, Intervention and Evaluation. San Francisco; Jossey Bass, 1977.
Garrity, TF. et al. "The relationship of recent life change to seriousnees of later illness". En: Locke, S. et al. Mind and Immunity: Behavioral Immunology, New York: Institute of Advancement of Health, 1983.
Gentry, D. Handbook of Behavioral Medicine. New York: The Guilford Press, 1984.
Godaert, G. "Relaxation treatment for Hypertension", Surwit et al. Op. Cit., 1981.
Gorkin, L. et al. "Family History of Hypertension and Anger Management as determinants of Cardiovascular, Behavioral and Self-report Responding during competition - Anger Provocation". Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Haynes, SG et al. "The relationship of normal, Involuntary retirement, to early mortality among US rubber Workers". En: Locke, S. et al. Op. Cit., 1983.
Henry, J. P. Stephens, P. M. "Caffeine as an intensifier of Stress induced hormonal and pathophysuologic changes in mice". En: S. Weiss; G. Schawartz. Op. cit., 1981.
Hurst M. W.; G. D. Jerkins y R. M. Rose. "The relation of Psychological Stress to onset of Medical Illness". En: S. Locke et al. Op. Cit.
Interamerican Psychologist, (54): 15-18. 1984.
Jay, S. et al. "Recent Advances in Behavioral Research in Chilhood Cancer", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Keller, F. La Definición de Psicología. México: Trillas, 1975.
Kinsman, R.; E. Fernández; M. Schocket; J. F. Dirks y N. A. Covino. "Multidimensional Analysis of the Symptoms of Chronic Bronchitis". Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 6 (4): 339-357, 1983.
Kuhn, T. S. La estructura de las revoluciones científicas. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1969.
Levy, S. "Biobehavioral Interventios in Behavioral Medicine". Proceedings of the Working Conference on the Psychological, Social and Behavioral Medicinne. Aspects of Cancer: Research and Professional Education Needs and Directgions for the 1980s., Cancer, (Suplemento): 1928 - 1938, 1982.
Lichstein, K. et al. "Insomniacs Empirical Self-Assessment of Sleep in the Home", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Locke , S; H. Hornig - Rohan. Mind and immunity: Behavioral Imunology. New York: Institute for the Advancement of Health, 1983.
Lowe, M. R. y E. Fisher. "Emotional reactivity, emocional eating and Obesity: A Naturalistic study". Journal of Behavioral Medicine, (6): 135-149, 1983.
Matarrazzo, J. D. "Behavioral Health and Behavioral Medicine: Frontiers for a New Health Psychology", American Psychologist, (35): 807-817, 1980.
McClelland, D. C. et al. "The need for power, stress, immune function and illness among male prisoners". En: Locke, S. et al. Op. Cit.
Melamed, B.; L. J. Siegel. Behavioral Medicine. New Yorkr: Springer Publishing Co., 1980.
Mensh, I. N. Psicología, clínica. Ciencia y Profesión. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 1971.
Minakuchi., K, et al. "Decreased Generation of Cyclic Ampin Lymphocytes by Beta Adrenergic Stimulation in Heart Failure", En: Locke, et al., Op. Cit.
Montgomery, G. "Multi-Modality Assessment of Motor Dysfunction and Disability in Parkinson's Disease and Other Neuromuscular Disease", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Morrison, R. y A. Bellack. "PsychologicaI factors and essential Hypertensión", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Munford, P. R.: Assessment in Behavioral Medicine: An introductory Manual. Knoxville, T. N.: Society of Behavioral Medicine, 1984.
Newman, A. y Bertelson, A. "Sexual Dysfunction in Diabetic Women", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
O'Leary, Daniel. "Behavior Medicine". Journal of Aplied Behavior Analysis, (12): 1-155, 1972.
Patel, C. "Primary preventlon of Coronary Heart Disease", En: Surwit, et al. Behavioral Treatment Disease. New York: PlenumPress, 1981.
Pomerleau, O. y J. P. Brady. "Behavior Modification in Medical Practice" New England Journal Medicine, (78): 49-59, 1979.
Pomerleau, O.; L. Baker y N. Cooney, et al. "Craving for alcohol: Recent on Psychological and physiological Manifestations", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Preliminary Scientific Program, International Symposium on Stress and Heart Disease, International Society and Federation of Cardiology-Council on Cardiac Metabolism, 1984.
Program Sumary, "Behavioral Medicine and Women's Health Issues", Society of Behavioral Medicine, 1984.
Program Abstracts, "Behavioral Medicine and Women's Health Issues", Society of Behavioral Medicine, 1984.
Rabkins, J. G. et al. "Life events, stress and illness", En: Locke, S. et al. Op. Cit.
Rose, M. RM.; CD Jenkins y MW Hurst. "Health Change in Air Traffic Controllers: A Prospective Study; I - Background and description". En: Locke, S. et al. Op. Cit.
Roskies, E. "Type A Intervention: Finding the Desease to Fit the Cure". En: Surwit et al. Op. Cit.
Rowland, J. et al. "Women with Cancer: Psychologic and Immunologic Perspectives", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Sahakian, W. Historia y Sistemas de la Psicología. Madrid: Tecnos, 1982.
Schwartz, G. y S. Weiss. Proceedings of the Yale Conference of Behavioral Medicine, DHEW publication (NIH), 1978.
Schwartz, G. y S. Weiss. "Yale Conference on Behavioral Medicine: A Proposed Definition and Statement of Goals", J. Behav. Med., (I): 3-12, 1978.
Schwartz, G. y S. Weiss. "Behavioral Medicine Revisited: An Amended Definition". J. Behav. Med., (1): 249-251, 1978.
Schraml, W. Psicología Clínica. Barcelona: Herber, 1975.
Shapiro, D. "Hypertension for the Standpoint of Bheavioral", En: Surwit et al. Op. Cit.
Sherwin, B. et al. "The Menopause: Gynecological, Psychological and Sexual Perspectives", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Silver, B. y E. Blanchard. "Biofeedback and Relaxation training in the treatment of psychophysiological disorders: or are the Machines Really Necessary", J, Behav. Med., (1): 217-239, 1978.
Skewis, S. et al. "Dysmenrrhea: History, Psychology, Assessment and Harmacological and Behavioral Interventions", Program Abstracts, SBM, I984.
Skinner, B. F. Ciencia y Conducta Humana. Barcelona: Fontanela, 1974.
Surwit, R.; R. Pilon y C. Fenton. "Behavioral Tratment of Raynaud's Diasease", J. Behav. Med. (1): 323-332, 1978.
Surwit, R.; R. Williams; A. Steptoe y R. Biersner. Behavioral Treatment of Disease. New York: Plenum Press, 1981.
Szasz, T. El mito de la enfermedad mental. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu, 1973.
Turk, D.; D. Meichenbaum y M. Genest. Pain and Behavioral Medicine, A Cognitive-behavioral perspective. New York: The Guilford Press, 1983.
Ullman, L. P. y L. Krasner, L. A Psychological approach to abnormal behavior. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1969.
Wegener, S. "The Arthritic Personality: A Biopsychosocial Alternative. Program Abstracts. SBM, 1984.
Weiss, S. "News and Developments in Behavioral Medicine", J. Behav. Med. (5): 465-467, 1982.
Weiss, S. "News and Developments in Behavioral Medicine", J. Behav. Med. (1): 135-140, 1978.
Weiss, S. "News and Developments in Behavioral Medicine", J. Behav. Med. (2): 103-109, 1979.
Weiss, S. & Schwartz, C. "Behavioral Medicine: The Biobehavioral Perspective", En: Surwit et al. Op. Cit., 1981.
Wolpe, J. Psicoterapia por inhibición recíproca. Madrid: Decleé de Brouwer, 1978.
Wolpe, J. "Stress Control for Coping and Habit Change", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Alexander, Franz. "Psychological Aspects of Medicine". Psychosomatic Medicine, 1(1) 1939. Journal of Institute for the advancement of health, 1 (2): 52-60, 1984.
American Cancer Society. The Psychological impact of cancer. Washington; ACS, 1975.
American Cancer Society. Third National Conference on Human Values & Cancer. Washington: ACS, 1981.
Andersen et al. "Women with Cancer: Psychologic and Immunologic Perspectives" Program Abstracts, SBM,1984.
Basmajian, J. V. "EMG Feedback in Neuromuscular Control". En: Surwit, et al. Behavioral Treatment of Disease. New York: Plenum Press, 1981.
Bayés, R. Psicología y Medicina. Barcelona: Fontanela, 1979.
Begelman, D. A. "Professional and Legal Issues in Behavioral Medicine", En: Doleys, D. et al. Behavioral Medicine. New York: Plenum Press, 1982.
Belar, C. "Health Psychology Training in Psychology Doctoral Programs", Division 38, American Psychological Association, 1983.
Belar, C. "Training the Clinical Psychology Student in Behavioral Medicine", Professional Psychology, pp. 596-604, 1979.
Birk, L. Biofeedback: Behavioral Medicine. New York: Grune and Straton, 1973.
Blumenthal, J. A. & Califf, R. "Secondary prevention of coronary Heart Disease", En: Surwit, et al., Op. Cit., 1981.
Borysenko, J. et al. "Behavioral Intervention in Insulin - Dependent Diabetes", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Brady, J. P. "The place Behavior Therapy in Medical Student and Psychiatric Resident Training". Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, (157): 21-26, 1973.
Caparrós, A. Historia de la psicología. Barcelona: CEAC, 1980.
Cataldo, M., Bird, B., C. Cunningham. "Experimental Analysis of EMG Feedback in Treating Cerebral Palsy", J. Behav. Med. (1): 311-322, 1978.
Cone, J. D; R. Hawkins. Behavior Assessment, New Directions in Clinical Psychology. New York: Brunner/Mazel Publishers, 1977.
Cullen, J.; B. Fox; R, Isom. "Cancer: The Behavioral Dimension", DHEW, publication number (NFX), 1976.
Dana, R. H. Teoría y práctica de la psicología clínica. Buenos Aires: Piadós, 1972.
Dahlem, N. W. et al. "Panic-fea in Asthma; Request for As-needded Medications in Relation to Pulmonary Function Measurements. En: Locke, S. et al. Mind and Immunity: Behavioral Immunology. New York: Institute for Advancemente of Health, 1983.
Doleys, D. R. L., Meredith; A. Ciminero. Behavioral Medicine. New York: Plenum Press, 1982.
Esler, M. et al. "Mild high-renin essential hyperstension". En: S. Weiss; G. Schwartz. "Behaviored Medicine: The Biobehavioral Perspective". En: Surwit et al., Op. Cit., 1981.
Fancher, R. E. Pioneers of psychology. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1979.
Ferster, C. B. et al. "Perspectivas de la psicología: XXV transición del laboratorio de animales a la clínica", tomado de R. Ulrich et al., Control de la conducta humana II. Méxica: Trillas, 1976, pp. 50-55.
Galland, L. et al. "Behavioral and Biological Interactions in Premenstrual Symptoms", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Gambrill, E. Behavior Modification: Handbook of Assessment, Intervention and Evaluation. San Francisco; Jossey Bass, 1977.
Garrity, TF. et al. "The relationship of recent life change to seriousnees of later illness". En: Locke, S. et al. Mind and Immunity: Behavioral Immunology, New York: Institute of Advancement of Health, 1983.
Gentry, D. Handbook of Behavioral Medicine. New York: The Guilford Press, 1984.
Godaert, G. "Relaxation treatment for Hypertension", Surwit et al. Op. Cit., 1981.
Gorkin, L. et al. "Family History of Hypertension and Anger Management as determinants of Cardiovascular, Behavioral and Self-report Responding during competition - Anger Provocation". Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Haynes, SG et al. "The relationship of normal, Involuntary retirement, to early mortality among US rubber Workers". En: Locke, S. et al. Op. Cit., 1983.
Henry, J. P. Stephens, P. M. "Caffeine as an intensifier of Stress induced hormonal and pathophysuologic changes in mice". En: S. Weiss; G. Schawartz. Op. cit., 1981.
Hurst M. W.; G. D. Jerkins y R. M. Rose. "The relation of Psychological Stress to onset of Medical Illness". En: S. Locke et al. Op. Cit.
Interamerican Psychologist, (54): 15-18. 1984.
Jay, S. et al. "Recent Advances in Behavioral Research in Chilhood Cancer", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Keller, F. La Definición de Psicología. México: Trillas, 1975.
Kinsman, R.; E. Fernández; M. Schocket; J. F. Dirks y N. A. Covino. "Multidimensional Analysis of the Symptoms of Chronic Bronchitis". Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 6 (4): 339-357, 1983.
Kuhn, T. S. La estructura de las revoluciones científicas. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1969.
Levy, S. "Biobehavioral Interventios in Behavioral Medicine". Proceedings of the Working Conference on the Psychological, Social and Behavioral Medicinne. Aspects of Cancer: Research and Professional Education Needs and Directgions for the 1980s., Cancer, (Suplemento): 1928 - 1938, 1982.
Lichstein, K. et al. "Insomniacs Empirical Self-Assessment of Sleep in the Home", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Locke , S; H. Hornig - Rohan. Mind and immunity: Behavioral Imunology. New York: Institute for the Advancement of Health, 1983.
Lowe, M. R. y E. Fisher. "Emotional reactivity, emocional eating and Obesity: A Naturalistic study". Journal of Behavioral Medicine, (6): 135-149, 1983.
Matarrazzo, J. D. "Behavioral Health and Behavioral Medicine: Frontiers for a New Health Psychology", American Psychologist, (35): 807-817, 1980.
McClelland, D. C. et al. "The need for power, stress, immune function and illness among male prisoners". En: Locke, S. et al. Op. Cit.
Melamed, B.; L. J. Siegel. Behavioral Medicine. New Yorkr: Springer Publishing Co., 1980.
Mensh, I. N. Psicología, clínica. Ciencia y Profesión. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 1971.
Minakuchi., K, et al. "Decreased Generation of Cyclic Ampin Lymphocytes by Beta Adrenergic Stimulation in Heart Failure", En: Locke, et al., Op. Cit.
Montgomery, G. "Multi-Modality Assessment of Motor Dysfunction and Disability in Parkinson's Disease and Other Neuromuscular Disease", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Morrison, R. y A. Bellack. "PsychologicaI factors and essential Hypertensión", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Munford, P. R.: Assessment in Behavioral Medicine: An introductory Manual. Knoxville, T. N.: Society of Behavioral Medicine, 1984.
Newman, A. y Bertelson, A. "Sexual Dysfunction in Diabetic Women", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
O'Leary, Daniel. "Behavior Medicine". Journal of Aplied Behavior Analysis, (12): 1-155, 1972.
Patel, C. "Primary preventlon of Coronary Heart Disease", En: Surwit, et al. Behavioral Treatment Disease. New York: PlenumPress, 1981.
Pomerleau, O. y J. P. Brady. "Behavior Modification in Medical Practice" New England Journal Medicine, (78): 49-59, 1979.
Pomerleau, O.; L. Baker y N. Cooney, et al. "Craving for alcohol: Recent on Psychological and physiological Manifestations", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Preliminary Scientific Program, International Symposium on Stress and Heart Disease, International Society and Federation of Cardiology-Council on Cardiac Metabolism, 1984.
Program Sumary, "Behavioral Medicine and Women's Health Issues", Society of Behavioral Medicine, 1984.
Program Abstracts, "Behavioral Medicine and Women's Health Issues", Society of Behavioral Medicine, 1984.
Rabkins, J. G. et al. "Life events, stress and illness", En: Locke, S. et al. Op. Cit.
Rose, M. RM.; CD Jenkins y MW Hurst. "Health Change in Air Traffic Controllers: A Prospective Study; I - Background and description". En: Locke, S. et al. Op. Cit.
Roskies, E. "Type A Intervention: Finding the Desease to Fit the Cure". En: Surwit et al. Op. Cit.
Rowland, J. et al. "Women with Cancer: Psychologic and Immunologic Perspectives", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Sahakian, W. Historia y Sistemas de la Psicología. Madrid: Tecnos, 1982.
Schwartz, G. y S. Weiss. Proceedings of the Yale Conference of Behavioral Medicine, DHEW publication (NIH), 1978.
Schwartz, G. y S. Weiss. "Yale Conference on Behavioral Medicine: A Proposed Definition and Statement of Goals", J. Behav. Med., (I): 3-12, 1978.
Schwartz, G. y S. Weiss. "Behavioral Medicine Revisited: An Amended Definition". J. Behav. Med., (1): 249-251, 1978.
Schraml, W. Psicología Clínica. Barcelona: Herber, 1975.
Shapiro, D. "Hypertension for the Standpoint of Bheavioral", En: Surwit et al. Op. Cit.
Sherwin, B. et al. "The Menopause: Gynecological, Psychological and Sexual Perspectives", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
Silver, B. y E. Blanchard. "Biofeedback and Relaxation training in the treatment of psychophysiological disorders: or are the Machines Really Necessary", J, Behav. Med., (1): 217-239, 1978.
Skewis, S. et al. "Dysmenrrhea: History, Psychology, Assessment and Harmacological and Behavioral Interventions", Program Abstracts, SBM, I984.
Skinner, B. F. Ciencia y Conducta Humana. Barcelona: Fontanela, 1974.
Surwit, R.; R. Pilon y C. Fenton. "Behavioral Tratment of Raynaud's Diasease", J. Behav. Med. (1): 323-332, 1978.
Surwit, R.; R. Williams; A. Steptoe y R. Biersner. Behavioral Treatment of Disease. New York: Plenum Press, 1981.
Szasz, T. El mito de la enfermedad mental. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu, 1973.
Turk, D.; D. Meichenbaum y M. Genest. Pain and Behavioral Medicine, A Cognitive-behavioral perspective. New York: The Guilford Press, 1983.
Ullman, L. P. y L. Krasner, L. A Psychological approach to abnormal behavior. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1969.
Wegener, S. "The Arthritic Personality: A Biopsychosocial Alternative. Program Abstracts. SBM, 1984.
Weiss, S. "News and Developments in Behavioral Medicine", J. Behav. Med. (5): 465-467, 1982.
Weiss, S. "News and Developments in Behavioral Medicine", J. Behav. Med. (1): 135-140, 1978.
Weiss, S. "News and Developments in Behavioral Medicine", J. Behav. Med. (2): 103-109, 1979.
Weiss, S. & Schwartz, C. "Behavioral Medicine: The Biobehavioral Perspective", En: Surwit et al. Op. Cit., 1981.
Wolpe, J. Psicoterapia por inhibición recíproca. Madrid: Decleé de Brouwer, 1978.
Wolpe, J. "Stress Control for Coping and Habit Change", Program Abstracts, SBM, 1984.
medicina del comportamiento
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© Ciencia y Sociedad, 2017
Francisco Monegro Peña
Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC)
Cómo citar
Monegro Peña, F. (1984). Medicina conductual: paradigma multidisciplinario e interactivo para el estudio y tratamiento de enfermedades idiopáticas o esenciales y crónicas. Ciencia Y Sociedad, 9(3), 353–78.