Reseña del libro El ABC y D de la formación docente. Desarrollo profesional docente desde la perspectiva de Vaillant y Marcelo
Issue | Vol. 4 Núm. 3 (2020): Ciencia y Educación |
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Publicado | sep 9, 2020 |
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Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salomé Ureña (ISFODOSU), República Dominicana
No necesita resumen.
Bredeson, P. (2002). The architecture of professional development: materials, messages and meaning. International Journal of Educational Research, 37(8), 661-675.
Day, C. (1999). Developing Teachers. The Challenges of Lifelong Learning. London: Falmer Press.
Fullan, M. (1990). Staff Development Innovation and Institutional Development. En B. Joyce (ed.). School Culture Through Staff Development (pp. 3-25). Virginia: ASCD.
Guskey, T. (2000). The characteristics of effective professional development: A synthesis of lists: ERIC ED, 478380.
Hawly, W. y Valli, L. (1998). The Essentials of Effective Professional Development. A New Consensus. En L. Darling-Hammond y G. Sykes (eds.). Teaching as the learning profession. Handbook of Policy and Practice (pp. 127-149). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Heideman, C. (1990). Introduction to staff development. En P. Burke (Ed.). Programming for staff development (pp. 3-9). London: Falmer Press.
Kelchtermans, G. (2004). CPD for professional renewal: moving beyond knowledge for practice. En C. Day y J. Sachs (Ed.). International Handbook on the Continuing Professional Development of Teachers. Berkshire: McGraw-Hill Education.
Rudduck, J. (1991). Innovation and Change. Milton Keynes: Open University.
Vaillant, D. y Marcelo, C. (2015). El ABC y D de la formación docente. Madrid: Narcea.
Day, C. (1999). Developing Teachers. The Challenges of Lifelong Learning. London: Falmer Press.
Fullan, M. (1990). Staff Development Innovation and Institutional Development. En B. Joyce (ed.). School Culture Through Staff Development (pp. 3-25). Virginia: ASCD.
Guskey, T. (2000). The characteristics of effective professional development: A synthesis of lists: ERIC ED, 478380.
Hawly, W. y Valli, L. (1998). The Essentials of Effective Professional Development. A New Consensus. En L. Darling-Hammond y G. Sykes (eds.). Teaching as the learning profession. Handbook of Policy and Practice (pp. 127-149). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Heideman, C. (1990). Introduction to staff development. En P. Burke (Ed.). Programming for staff development (pp. 3-9). London: Falmer Press.
Kelchtermans, G. (2004). CPD for professional renewal: moving beyond knowledge for practice. En C. Day y J. Sachs (Ed.). International Handbook on the Continuing Professional Development of Teachers. Berkshire: McGraw-Hill Education.
Rudduck, J. (1991). Innovation and Change. Milton Keynes: Open University.
Vaillant, D. y Marcelo, C. (2015). El ABC y D de la formación docente. Madrid: Narcea.
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© Ciencia y Educación, 2020
Bismar Galán
Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salomé Ureña (ISFODOSU), República Dominicana
Cómo citar
Galán, B. (2020). Reseña del libro El ABC y D de la formación docente. Desarrollo profesional docente desde la perspectiva de Vaillant y Marcelo. Ciencia Y Educación, 4(3), 169–171.